1. Description
Panasonic's civil electrical appliances like ventilating fans, electric fans, ceiling fans, air purifiers, water heaters, hand dryers, water pumps, Vv. operate with high performance and durable operation. Belgium brings the best quality of life to users.
2. Specifications
F-60XDN (Black)
F-60XDN-W (White)
- Power saving DC motor, capacity 37W
- 03 levels of safety (safety wing lock, seat belt, safety switch)
- Natural wind function 1/f Yuragi
- 3D propeller design for stronger and quieter airflow, blades made of
- PPG material for high durability
- 9 levels of wind, wind flow 235m3/min
- There are 8 timer modes (1h-8h)
- Sleep mode according to circadian rhythms
- Remote control with LCD display